Borgerdialog om arbejdsmarkedet med Thyssen (1) – Introduktion
Welcome to this Citizens Dialogue with European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Marianne Thyssen from Belgium. I’m Nynne Bjerre Christensen and todays moderator for the next one and a half hour.
Now, the concept of todays is really very simple – the aim is to get as many questions from the audience through to the commissioner. We’ll have a few hand votes regarding issues from the EU but basically we’ll try to have and answer as many questions from the audience as possible, preferably related to the Commissioners portfolio.
We will amongst other things probably discuss the European pillar of social rights, the social model of Europe, employment, new work patterns, the free movement of workers, ageing society and a more diverse workforce. Feel free to pose questions in Danish, I’ll do my best to translate. We’d like as many questions as possible, so just raise your hand. All participants are encouraged to use #EUdialogues if you want to tweet. (same hashtag used in all Citizens’ Dialogues).