Hazardous Chemicals in our Blood
The film Hazardous Chemicals in our Blood is about endocrine disruptors, which vulnerable patients every day can be exposed to in many hospitals. Catheters, tubes, blood bags and other medical devices made of PVC contains, in many cases, hormone disrupting phthalates, which are added to make the plastic soft and pliable. The phthalates are especially problematic for vulnerable groups such as premature babies, children and pregnant women. Compelling research suggests a link between endocrine disruptors and the incidence of diseases such as testicular and breast cancer, thyroid gland disorders, deformed genitalia, early puberty in girls and decreased sperm count in men. Hazardous Chemicals in our Blood examines why these harmful chemicals are still present in medical devices. Are they really so harmful? And what action needs to be taken to ensure that no unnecessary exposure occurs via medical devices? The film includes Europarliamentarian Dan Jørgensen, MD Katharina Mainz, plastic manufacturer MELITEK and representatives of environmental organizations Health Care Without Harm Europe and The Danish Ecological Council. The film is suitable as a basis for teaching and discussion. It is aimed primarily at high school students and student nurses and health interested citizens. Medvirkende: Christian Ege Eline Aggerholm Kristensen Katharina Main Dan Jørgensen Julie Boberg Anja Leetz Camilla Bjerre Vært: Det økologiske Råd Produktions År: Produceret af: Det Økologiske Råd